YYY Foundation
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YYY Foundation...


Women's Health

IT Resources

Transforming prospects for remote communities in Nepal

What we do

YYY Foundation works to advance education and help prevent and relieve poverty in Nepal

In our first 5 years, YYY Foundation raised more than £100,000 and provided funds to support the rebuilding of 10 schools, mainly in Sindalpulchowk, an area badly affected by the 2015 earthquakes.

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Days For Girls

Women's Health

In the 2020s, sadly it remains the case that many girls in Nepal are effectively excluded from school once they start menstruating. A girl’s life, and the potential of a community, can be transformed through a small amount of education and the provision of a pack of reusable period pads. Working with Days For Girls, YYY Foundation is providing a programme of education and practical tools to selected schools in Nepal. It costs approximately £1,000 for 2 representatives from Days 4 Girls to visit a school and deliver 1 – 2 days of classes for all the children, staff and often parents, and to give a period pack to every girl and woman.

Read More About Current Projects
Working with EduTech Nepal

IT Infrastructure

For more remote communities, access to and training in IT resources and technology is the most important game changer in helping them to be self-sufficient, and in preventing long-term decline in their populations as individuals move to the cities rather than stay with their traditional lives – invariably leaving their families for a squalid and poverty-stricken existence in the city. Edutech Foundation Nepal has spent years perfecting the provision of secure computer rooms and IT equipment to schools, incorporating software which delivers effective classroom operation.

Read More About Past Projects
Give As You Live to YYY Foundation

Marking 10 years

We are planning events for 2025 through which we are aiming to raise enough money to support all our projects for the following 2 years. We will announce plans as they are confirmed

Make A Donation
Small donations, huge differences

YYY Foundation was started by Sera & Sarah Gurung following the 2015 earthquakes. In the beginning it was simply a matter of friends and family giving money to help and has grown from there into a registered charity that continuously raises funds to aid the poorest and most marginalised castes in Nepal. We aim to work in partnership with local communities, to help them to become self-sustained and avoid the aid dependency trap.

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