YYY Foundation
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YYY Foundation...


Mugu is the least developed region in Nepal, especially the north and west. Jawdroppingly beautiful, rugged and remote it’s a time capsule of thriving ancient traditions. Picturesque villages cling to steep mountain sides, children and chickens running free against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains. Life in this remote paradise comes at a cost to the people who live there.

Until 2022 there weren’t any roads and even now there are only a couple of precarious dirt tracks. The population are extremely poor subsistence farmers, who often unable to produce enough food to feed their families, malnutrition is normal. A high number of school children drop out, boys from as young as 11 leave to work as indented labour in the sweat shops of India. Women and girls are considered dirty during menstruation and, although illegal, they are still expected exclude themselves to live small shacks outside the village. Girls fall behind in their schoolwork and drop out of school to become a burden on their already struggling families. Mugu is the region where girls are most likely to be sold to work as domestic slaves or worse. Any girl that manages to escape is considered ‘tarnished’ and won’t be welcomed home, most are left to a life of destitution.

Our Plans

Our target is to reach 1000 women and girls with menstrual solution kits and education in menstrual hygiene, a big step to making menstrual exclusion a thing of the past. With our help girls will be able to go to school full time, they’ll be able to take advantage of opportunities that come with education, no longer a burden on their families.

Modern technology and the internet will have an enormous impact on the people of Mugu. Done well, the impact of IT can be overwhelmingly positive, bringing long term opportunities for remote working, further education and e-commerce. Much needed knowledge and income will create jobs in healthcare, sanitation, electricity and lead to better agricultural practices, improving quality of life and opening the doors to a sustainable future. We’re aiming to work with 5 communities to create 5 computer labs in areas where we can reach the maximum number of people. It’s a big ask but we’re planning to work on all 5 at the same time, being able to share logistical costs will make significant savings, enough to be able to create 5 instead of 4 labs.

How You Can Help

Taking on projects in Mugu is going to be challenging, probably the biggest challenge we’ve ever considered. It will be hard work, expensive but it will be the most rewarding project any of us could take on. We’ve already visited the area twice to prepare for this project and delivered menstrual solution packs to 240 girls while we were there.

We are looking to raise £35,000 to complete our program of IT and menstrual health for 5 schools. ‘Life changing’ is a term that is so often overused, in this instance it is what we can achieve with your help.

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Small donations, huge differences

£10 buys a pack for a girl to continue her education

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